Give Yourself Some Credit – Tax incentives for Hybrid Owners
Buying a hybrid is becoming quite an investment. The hybrid, which operates on both a gasoline engine and an electric engine, is offering much more than a decrease in gasoline cost. It also offers consumers the ability to directly help the environment.
are known to emit very few pollutants, especially when compared to conventional vehicles. It is stated that hybrids are up to 90% cleaner to the air than normal cars. This something the government is willing to reward hybrid drivers for.
Tax incentives for hybrid owners are one of the newest things offered. Hybrid owners are ecstatic about the new bill passed that gives them as much as $3,400 back. President Bush passed the bill as a new Energy Bill. The bill focuses on the environment but also on the fact that hybrids save on oil use. This directly affects the country’s dependency on foreign oil. When a consumer purchases a hybrid, they are directly helping break the control many radical Islamists have over the United States through oil. These are the same individuals who hate the United States. Therefore, it is only logical the United States would want to reward hybrid owners for their smart purchases.
hybrid cars